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Thursday, March 31, 2022

'This is the Day Putin Fights Back Against Europe', Says Nic Robertson

'This is the Day Putin Fights Back Against Europe', Says Nic Robertson

CNN's Nic Robertson reports on a statement from Russian President Vladimir Putin that all payments for Russian oil, from 'unfriendly' nations, will have to be done in rubles. Russia will no longer accept euros

They are in a terrible situation. This reminds me of the Falkland's war, young Argentinian students and ordinary working lads and  men sent into a war,  Just piled into Hercules Air craft and told they were going on exercise. Torn away from their Mothers and families. Used as Gun Fodder. Shot or blown up on some lonely mountain in a desolate country side. When I saw some of the prisoners on the docks at Stanley it was heart breaking. To see British Squaddies passing out cigarettes and even precious Mars Bars to them, chatting to those who could speak English. They were so grateful to know that all that was going to happen to them was they were being put on a ship and sent home. These poor sods haven't got that in front of them. So what options do they Have? Fight and hope for the best ? Or go Hungry and possible get blown to bits?. The only option they have is to Give up to the Ukrainian troops.  I have faith that they would be treated right. There's no dishonour in surrendering to a defensive force when you have been lied to and conned into a criminal war. They would not be abandoning their county, they would be saving lives, theirs and other innocent people and children's lives, and their Mothers would know they are safe. These lads have no quarrel with anyone let alone the Ukrainians.  "Boys Get a Large white sheet and save yourselves". For Gods sake do it cleverly. God bless the Ukrainian people keep them safe and strong.

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