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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

'The Five' Analyze AOC's Warning to Biden

'The Five' Analyze AOC's Warning to Biden

'The Five' react to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ramping up the pressure on President Biden to go further Left.

I have to agree with Piers re AOC's voice and vacuousness.  Is she up for re-election?  Her district should send her back home so that she can dedicate her tips earnings towards paying back her student loan.

Messaging? No. No matter what kind of messaging the Democrats come up with, the damage is already done and more and more people are beginning to see through their lies. Only the willfully ignorant and blind will "listen" to any new messaging they think they can come up with.

It's not up to the government to change people's lives. It's up to the individual to make their lives better. The government's job is to uphold the construction and make sure we are protected as citizens.

Right. They just aren't TALKING right. Sure. Everyone knows they wont be DOING anything. The few things they have accomplished have hurt me financially.

Yeah, its a messaging problem.

Greg nailed it. We need aggressive conservative action. No more holding a line you have already been pushed left to.

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