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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Americans Head to Ukraine to Help Troops Fighting Putin's Invasion

Americans Head to Ukraine to Help Troops Fighting Putin's Invasion

Spurred on by the images of destruction and despair, some U.S. citizens have rushed into battle in Ukraine to fight Russian forces.

God bless Ukraine Slava Ukraine God bless the American people and the American nation the American president we won’t stand for tyranny wherever it is in the world God bless America standing strong for humanity.

Big SALUTE and Thanks to all Foreign Volunteer to Trained Ukrainian Soldiers and Civilian Volunteers.

Ukrainian Soldiers and Civilian Volunteers are ready for everything and ready to fight for freedom, and to Defend his Motherland πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ™πŸ’ž and Protecting the People specially Kids, Women, Friends and Family.

Ukrainian Special Forces have the largest number of sniper units for it's size of any other military force in the world.  They are armed with Snipex T-Rex and Alligator precision anti-materiel rifles.  They are trained to support combat units. They stand watches over sleeping troops. They are trained to work behind the enemy lines and they pick over Russian depots and assembly areas gathering intelligence, identifying and targeting Russian commanders.  The Russian military is a top-down command structure where troops and lower rank officers are trained to strictly obey orders, they are not trained to exhibit initiative. When the commanding officer falls, the units under them completely stop... They have no orders.

American values and actions when not hypocritical are the best in the world. Freedom is the essence of existence. Freedom is the only thing!

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