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Thursday, March 31, 2022

Russia Attacks After Peace Promise

Russia Attacks After Peace Promise

After promising to scale back troops, Russia continues strikes in Ukraine. It comes as declassified U.S. intelligence suggests Putin is being misinformed by his advisers about the war. Meantime, the U.S. pledges to send an additional $500 million in aid to Ukraine. Plus, President Biden pushes for more Covid funding in anticipation of another surge.

Man, living through WWII and then dealing with this must be awful. At the very least, nobody actually believed Putin when he said he'd scale back his attacks.

If Russia is just repositioning and go back on the offensive and are yet again repelled it will be time for russia to leave Ukraine because it will be the beginning of the end. No matter what they do they will not be able to defeat Ukraine with their army unless they simply wear them down over a long period of time which would cost hundreds of thousands of russian lives.

Why do they even bother? This is like watching a Stephen King written, Brian De Palma directed, Twilight Zone version of a Peanuts episode where Lucy tricks Charlie Brown with the football on Groundhog's Day!

That woman is so brave. Imagine surviving the worst war in the history of the world and just as you think you’re not going to see it again and be able to live out your elderly years in peace… a deranged tyrant shatters that peace…

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