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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Russia Signals Change Of Strategy In Ukraine

Russia Signals Change Of Strategy In Ukraine

Russia appears to have halted its ground offensive towards Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, for a new focus on fighting to control an area in the country’s Southeast. Ukrainian President Zelenksyy declared that “over the past week, our heroic armed forces have dealt powerful blows to the enemy.” NBC’s Jacob Soboroff reports for Saturday TODAY.

Ukrainians are brave and we don’t give up when fighting ridiculous divorce courts, workplace mobbing, and sociopathic dictators, but the damage sustained is severe. The price of freedom is high. 

The Russian War Criminals Must Face Justice for the War Crimes and Russian Federation must Pay Billions for Damage they are Responsible For..

War has no winner's  war is the destroyer of dreams . These are people lives that can never be relived .no do overs . No one deserves this . Love and peace to all Ukrainian and Russian people.

I think they are lying, they want to pin down units that would other wise go east and save their army there. Pro Russian sources stated down that they just completed phase 1 and now going to do phase 2.

The Russian Military change of strategy is called “SPRING”!  The Russian military logistics command couldn’t supply their troops via road convoy in the winter when the ground is frozen.  The spring thaw will turn roads and fields into a quagmire.  Their new offensive will happen near their borders with shorter supply lines.

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