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Thursday, March 31, 2022

Russia Ukraine Conflict: Heavy Shelling in Kyiv Despite Moscow’s Claim of ‘De-escalation’

Russia Ukraine Conflict: Heavy Shelling in Kyiv Despite Moscow’s Claim of ‘De-escalation’

There's been more heavy shelling around the capital, Kyiv, today despite Moscow's claim to be “de-escalating” operations around the city with fighting in some of the suburbs which Ukrainian troops have seized back from Russian control.

The story of Lyudmila is absolutely heartbreaking, what a wonderful person who deserved to keep living in peace and sharing her gifts with her students. The senseless waste of life is unforgivable.

This is an extremely powerful, courageous and moving account of what is happening in Mariupol; the production team have done a magnificent job….we must all bear witness to what has happened, is happening, and they and the participants have enabled us to do this.

The teacher instructing her kids to hide under their desk during an attack reminded me of drills the same way during the Cold War. My condolences to the teacher’s families of the devoted teacher who only wanted to teach & care for her students. War always affects civilians.

Everyday people bearing the brunt of war... Every generation think that they are in some way better or smarter than their forebears but they're not. Rest in peace Lyudmila, you didn't deserve this ending.

Excellent reporting and just subscribed. Thank you for the wonderful interviews and the genuine care shown to the survivors. My heart goes out to all the Ukrainians and Russians who are suffering.

Channel 4's coverage of Ukraine has been outstanding - Paraic O'Brien's in particular. It sounds almost tastless to talk of such things - given the horrors that are still unfolding - but he really should receive some prestigious journalism awards for his work in Ukraine. His reporting is always so humane but unsentimental. He allows people to speak with their own voices as much as he can, affording them dignity and respect. His tribute here, to the passing of this much-loved teacher, is very moving and conveys his quiet compassion. How many journalists would have even bothered to follow up on their earlier story, to check how she was faring? Don't ever leave C4 Mr O'Brien.

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