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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Face-to-face Talks Between Russia and Ukraine Delegations Begin in Turkey

Face-to-face Talks Between Russia and Ukraine Delegations Begin in Turkey

Representatives from Ukraine and Russia are meeting in Istanbul in the first face-to-face peace talks in more than two weeks. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he hopes the talks lay the groundwork for a summit of the countries' presidents.

Recall the forty-mile convoy...sitting there untouched, forever.  The Ukrainian military is taking possession of rubble, debris, junk in territories Russia has abandoned.  For the most part, the Ukrainian military is not forcing out Russian best the Ukrainian military is nibbling at the heels of a withdrawing Russian army.  Zelenskyy has laid out a "NATO free" proposition...isn't that what Russia wanted thirty-days ago?  One thing is certain, Zelenskyy gets a new apartment.

We don't know where this video is taken, but the Ukrainians tell us that it is outside Kyiv. We also have heard that the Ukrainian army is capturing Russian tanks, shooting down helicopters, and generally winning the war. We feel confident discussing these issues on national news because the Ukrainian side told us they are telling the truth.
Russia agrees to remove its forces from Kiev and Chernigov under the peace agreement. Watch for video as the two sides have met and will release the content of the talks later today.

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