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Monday, March 28, 2022

Israel on Alert After 2 Police Killed in ISIS Attack

Israel on Alert After 2 Police Killed in ISIS Attack

The attack took place the same day Arab foreign ministers visited Israel for the Negev Summit
A deadly shooting was reported in the northern Israeli city of Hadera on Sunday that claimed two lives and left several people wounded - including a number of police officers. A statement by the police said that 12 people were wounded in the attack, including four army officers, and two Israelis were killed. Israel can no longer ignore the radicalisation of israeli arabs who have preached and sympathised with isis and need to revisit the communities that these terrorists come from and find out the sources of their radicalisation and their associates. It calls for far longer prison sentences and more prison places and less of a softly softly approach to radicalisation within Israel. Those who are in positions of influence such as Imans , teachers, university professors should be prosecuted and prison sentences need to be imposed that are substantial to safeguard the communities.

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