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Saturday, March 26, 2022

BREAKING: Russia Launch Missiles 'from Black Sea' Targeting Ukraine

BREAKING: Russia Launch Missiles 'from Black Sea' Targeting Ukraine

The Russian military have claimed it has launched missile strikes on a Ukrainian military infrastructure from the Black Sea.

Russia's Ministry of Defense said the target was in the northwestern city of Zhytomyr - around 96 miles from the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv.

It is strange how Russia is finding it so difficult to liberate the Donbass region, it should be very easy for them.

All they need to do is order their troops to return to Russia.  If they are having difficulty with transport due to their poorly maintained vehicles I'm sure they will find many Ukrainian farmers willing to tow them out to Russia with their tractors.

This is all about the huge Yuzivska shale gas deposit in the Donbas  (1.09 - 4 trillion metric meters of shale gas) - the second largest shale gas deposit in Europe. The EU was interested in buying gas from Ukraine in order to diversify their suppliers and cut dependence on Russian gas. Ukraine has extensive gas storage facilities and pipelines, close to the EU, and such an arrangement would make a large dent in Gazprom's (Putin's) profits. Similarly, Crimea has large offshore gas deposits that Putin wanted. This war is all about Putin's Gazprom profits. That's why they are pulling back to defend Donbas. That's why Russia was funding the "separatists."

The Russian Military change of strategy is called “SPRING”!  The Russian military logistics command couldn’t supply their troops via road convoy in the winter when the ground is frozen.  The spring thaw will turn roads and fields into a quagmire.  Their new offensive will happen near their borders with shorter supply lines.

I remember bombing of my country in 1999 with cluster as well as depleted uranium bombs, carpet bombing of civilians, civilian trains and bridges full of cars and buses, markets. And they called that operation Merciful Angel.

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