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Thursday, March 31, 2022

Putin Critic Mikhail Khodorkovsky: Putin Realizes 'There Can Be No Military Solution'

Putin Critic Mikhail Khodorkovsky: Putin Realizes 'There Can Be No Military Solution'

Over a month after Moscow launched its invasion of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has come to understand that "there can be no military solution here," exiled Russian oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky told DW. Khodorkovsky, a prominent critic of the Russian leader, previously spent a decade in prison in Russia on charges widely regarded as revenge for challenging Putin's rule. Russian troops began their invasion of Ukraine on February 24. Putin announced that the operation aimed at "demilitarizing" and "de-nazifying" the former Soviet state and protecting Russian speakers in the country. But with Russia failing to quickly occupy the country due to strong Ukrainian resistance and its troops getting bogged down, Moscow recently announced a change in its war aims, saying that it will focus on the "liberation" of the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine. "Putin is stuck when it comes to the military operation," Khodorkovsky said, adding, "Putin has two options now: Either he escalates things, which could mean either introducing mobilization or using tactical nuclear weapons, or he can stabilize the situation and begin peace talks in earnest." In the interview with DW, Khodorkovsky also stressed the importance of a unified Western position. "The West's position needs to be clear, meaning comprehensive support for Ukraine if the war continues and in case Putin uses tactical nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction," he underlined. "That sort of clear position from the West will, let's say, help Putin make the right decision."

Interesting perspective. Found myself thinking "he's right" several times. Hope we all can find our way out of this mess as prudently as possible in a way that's best for everybody.

Thank you for this interview. Mr. Khodorkovsky's insights are very helpful. His comments about a federal Russia suggests he's also hopeful for his country.  That one day, it might fulfill the nascent hopes we all had when the cold war ended, that Russians would also be Europeans.

The characterization of Putin tallies much with his rise to power. KGB training, obedience, execution of order first questions later and of course secrecy. But most important of all is Loyalty. His loyalty to the Mayor, who helped him, his loyalty to Yeltsin, who knighted him irrespective of their character _ corrupt, drunkard or not! 

What really counts in any Mafia gang is really the utter dedication to the Patriarch rather than to an idea or an ideology. This whole inner circle is based on that kind of ethos and that is why, despite a better judgement, the taboo associated with disloyalty makes one even accept personal death or the annihilation of the world as a better choice. It has something sacred associated with it. And if you grow up within such a community, you tend to project it as the reality about the world. You distrust and generally disrespect people, who profess humanism or other ideologies and the only thing you believe in and respect as the member of the mafia tribe is the Power and the Whip.

How do you think you can negotiate with a liar, a poisoner and someone who has been made a fool of in front of the whole world by the strength and resilience of the Ukrainian military.  Strength is  all this evil force understands.  Refuse to negotiate any further until Russia removes this tyrant loser from the head of Russia.  Russian people know that they must give peace to Ukraine or they will suffer militarily and economically.   Victory to Ukraine.  💙💛☮

Well said - I've always thought Putin was a thug and mafia style boss. Those exact same words. Great to hear someone who was once close to Putin say the same thing. The West keeps treating Putin as a statesman; BIG MISTAKE. They need to show him STRENGTH. God bless Ukraine - I hope the West helps Ukraine to the last day. We must all defeat Putin.

Khordokovsky really knows the topic from years of close-up experience directly with Putin. When he speaks, you really should pay attention. Five minutes with him is worth more than 24 hours listening to non-Russian political pundits.

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