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Thursday, March 31, 2022

Putin authorizes Draft of Nearly 135,000 Into Russian Military

Putin authorizes Draft of Nearly 135,000 Into Russian Military

CNN’s Christiane Amanpour reacts to news that Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on spring conscription, fixing a target for 134,500 individuals to be drafted into the Russian armed forces.

I figured that "reducing operations" in Ukraine actually meant they were going to throw more bodies. If he thinks just giving a man a gun and tell them to take the objective is going to work, he is in for a rude awakening.

its hilarious how he's angry about how none of his army told him about whats going on in kyiv but yet he failed to tell his OWN soldiers what they were going to Ukraine for.

The heart of a volunteer army is different than the heart of a draftee army in any country. 

I served in the military during the Vietnam war from 1965 to the 1970’s. I saw the effectiveness of the US Military decrease greatly once the  volunteers filtered out of the war and be replaced by mostly draftees. 

That is the case in Russia where they already started out with a mostly draftee army. The Russian army reportedly initially they were told they were having “training exercises”. Then they quickly figured out they were killing innocent civilians.

Imagine you just get done graduating high school after or during the worst pandemic in years, start looking at colleges then your drafted into the millitary to fight a war you never wanted.

Edit: wow I've never had a comment blow up this much, thanks. I just think it's sad guys my age are being thrown in this terrible situation because of one old guys ego.

And for one second I thought Russia was not lying when she said troops are gonna be withdrawn from the north of Ukraine. They have no intention of stopping the invasion, they just need more time to collect more troops, more supplies, and to fix their equipment.

Seems to me that the Russian military is making a similar mistake to what Hitler did during the Blitz in Britain. Instead of focusing on military objectives, he is wasting expensive ammunition on civilians that won't do much to help him win the war. The heartbreaking part of this is the number of civilians whose lives are lost and destroyed. However, the Ukrainians and the rest of the free world should capitalize on this mistake and make him regret the day he decided to go to war.

This war has shown that we're reaching a point where defensive installations make offensives into developed countries too costly to be worth it. I hope that all major nations take note and realizing we've reached the point of MAD even without nuclear weapons being used.

It’s remarkable how much Russia’s military again resembles the early Soviet armies and the Imperial Russians one. There’s just no concern whatsoever for the well-being of the soldiers… they’re simply expendable.

The fact he thinks this will help him shows how delusional he really has become. He’s sending in unqualified people in an unorganized situation. More is not better in this situation.

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