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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Russia Signals It's Scaling Back Plan to Conquer Ukraine

Russia Signals It's Scaling Back Plan to Conquer Ukraine

CNBC's Kelly Evans reports on the latest headlines from the war between Ukraine and Russia, and new signals that Russia may be scaling back its plan to conquer all of Ukraine.

Regardless of the circumstances of this war, the ceasefire talks between Russia and Ukraine seem to have passed their precious first timing.

Only when Russia pulls back it's forces from the regions it has taken or initiates an cease-fire and is willing to talk should you ever even consider negotating with them. And certainly do not put your guard down Ukraine.

Whether they endeavor to conquer all of Ukraine, or simply pieces of eastern Ukraine, it does not matter. I would not negotiate with Russia, until they leave all of Ukraine and pull out of Crimea. Otherwise, sanctions will remain indefinitely and strengthen if necessary.

We need to assist Ukraine in COMPLETELY Removing Russian forces and separatist from Ukraine completely. If the separatist want to be Russian so bad pack your stuff and move to Russia. It is really that simple.

John Mearsheimer, professor of political science at the University of Chicago, has been saying for some time Russia had no intention of occupying all of Ukraine.  I always thought Russia wanted to end the Ukrainian military's constant shelling of Donbas, which is populated mostly by ethnic Russians, most of whom don't want to be part of Ukraine.  I always thought the speculation of Russia's occupying all of Ukraine was hysteria.

Rus is digging in on the positions with heavy casualty's, they also wait it out to let the weather get warmer. Just watch there movemand of troops and do not waste many troops on attacks with to little info and gain. Save ammo this way and only hit there where it brings nice proffit. Remember that there economie is hit hard as well at the moment.

I saw a report about the Donbass region the lpr had captured 94% and in the dpr has gotten 54% but they r saying a large nunber of Ukrainian troops r getting flanked on both sides.

"The special military operation is carried out strictly according to the approved plan. In general, the main objectives of the first phase of the operation have been achieved. The combat capabilities of Ukraine’s Armed Forces have been significantly reduced, which allows the Russian military to concentrate the main efforts on achieving the main goal – the liberation of Donbass".

If you do nothing when you have the power to do so, you will find that you will live long enough to know you die a coward when Russia attack NATO. 

We don't get to choose how we die, but we can choose how we live it. Then tell your story to God why you did the things you did. 

To all those that think Russia won't attack NATO, just like how they won't attack Ukraine.

If you make the pond smaller, you're always the bigger fish. Make the goals smaller, you're always winning. Russia is no longer dealing with low-level insurgents. Welcome to the 21st century, Putin.

Right. Russia is telling Western MSM about their plans. The Chinese used this "retreat" to great effect in Korea. That's how they defeated NATO in its glory days.

If hes scaling back hes going to do something worse to them. Hes evil. Prides got him by the short and curly's. Wouldn't trust him him as far as I'd throw him.

Imagine how much more inspiring a speech directly from the President would be if it didn't sound like he was about to collapse from exhaustion the whole time.

Russia needs to be responsible for rebuilding ALL of the Ukranian cities destroyed by its illegal and unwarranted war. Russia should also be held responsible for reparations to those killed and displaced. Start with selling the yachts and real estate of the oligarchs (including Putins property) outside of Russia. Make them, not the common people, pay for all of the destruction Putin caused.

Putin just wanted a buffer in the east for security reasons and Donbas was part of that. The flat lands around that area is perfect for invading armies into Russia, Napoleon and Hitler used it, plus no hypersonic missiles can be placed near the border in a excellent proximity to Moscow (if they joined NATO, which probably won't happen now) it takes only 5 minutes from that area to hit Moscow with that missile,  gives Russia a better response time, (when it comes to that every second counts!)

Plus, the country is destabilized, in chaos,  borders are no longer clearly defined, this will make it hard to be accepted into NATO.

I'd say he accomplished a lot so far. 

I think he's holding back due to not wanting too many civilian casualties. Putin can be quite barbaric. 

Look, I'm not on Putin's side, I'm just stating fact as I see it.

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