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Saturday, March 26, 2022

What Happened in Week 5 of Russia’s Assault: Ukraine Rejects Demand to Surrender, NATO Summit

What Happened in Week 5 of Russia’s Assault: Ukraine Rejects Demand to Surrender, NATO Summit

WARNING: This video contains graphic images of death and severe injury at 1:02, 1:29.

Ukraine rejected Russia's demand to surrender Mariupol in exchange for safe passage out and NATO allies held an emergency summit in Brussels. Here’s a roundup of events in Ukraine, and how world leaders reacted, from March 21 to 25.

"What happened in year eight of the Donbass conflict" coming up next. Must keep see bee see viewers well informed, eh. And tomorrow, a special report on karma.

in 5 weeks Russia have did to Ukraine what USA did in its wars in 20 years and usa still lost a 20 years war  but rusia 5 weeks in USA and NATO and the world think Russia cant win you cant make this up.

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