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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Russia Ups The Ante On Ukrainian Attacks

Russia Ups The Ante On Ukrainian Attacks

At least two missiles struck miles from the Lviv City Center just as President Biden was preparing to speak in neighboring Poland. Local officials say that five people were injured.

Putin has to go. This does not end until this madman is out of power. Ramp up the isolation and keep supporting Ukraine with everything we can. And, just as important, celebrate democracy the world over.

Looks like a lot of smoke, but the size of the tanks don't seem that significant.  I was a refinery process engineer in the 1980's.  We had a tank about that size that got caught on fire from a lightening strike.  But the refinery had at least 10 tanks that were at least 10 times as large.

Need to get CRAM systems around those strategic infrastructure sites. And get ukrainian teams trained up to man patriot batteries asap. I actually think that many of the delays on the advanced complex weapon systems is the fact that it takes several intensive weeks of training to learn how to use them effectively. Due to operational security we would not be hearing g about it until they were incountry and switched on.

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