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Saturday, March 26, 2022

New Ukrainian Armored Personnel Carrier Shocked The World

New Ukrainian Armored Personnel Carrier Shocked The World

Companies in the military industry are constantly showing us their new products. This applies to absolutely all areas - aviation, ships and ground equipment. And today we have once again prepared for you a selection of the 10 most amazing military developments in the world!

I'm sure that the Drone Buster can be blocked by whoever happens to think of such technology depending on what the Drone is being used for. Just like hackers, if they want to hack something bad enough, they'll get in.

As for the land vehicles, I wonder how efficient and cost effective any of them are against some guys in a Toyota pickup with modern ATGMs. Like an aircraft carrier, they would each require significant auxiliary support to neutralize any surrounding ATGM threat.

do you really need to use click bait to get people to watch your videos, I think it just make you loose credibility. It is a great video on it's own without having to take advantage of the conflict in Ukraine.

"which of these developments you like the most."...  is that really a question?  (well, i like the one that does the bigger splody thang an kills'm'all lot faster geterdone....)

At first i didn't believe it but on second thought... Yup... there's people who think like that...  Lord help us...

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