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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Huge Crisis: Russia Seizes about 600 Aircraft by Order of Putin!

Huge Crisis: Russia Seizes about 600 Aircraft by Order of Putin!

Not really that much of an issue they may have seized them, but the planes arent insured anymore, they cant get parts for them and any work done to them will render them worthless so they are pretty much useless anyway unless anyone is daft enough to get on a plan whos service history is pretty sketchy.

This is OLD OLD news bro. This happen weeks ago and yes while they did that, ALL of the companies that own and maintained them pulled out of Russia. So good luck maintaining safe operable aircraft.

Cannibalizing will not solve the problem. Everybody who deals with plane servicing knows that the demand for spare parts differs dramatically from one group of parts to another. So most demanding parts will finish in few months and others will be not even requested the same time.

Once they miss an inspection they are scrap. Plus, some may well be new, but by natural deviation some will be at the end of their life. So on average the fleet is half worn out. And that is assuming they weren’t leased older stuff anyway. Would you lease them a new one after they took crimea? :o)

All those Russian foreign reserves held abroad can now be used to pay for the planes. The world should add on a 20% tax to Russian oil that will be used to finance rebuilding Ukraine. Countries that don't pay in will get sanctioned. They're getting the oil at a reduced cost so the 20% cut will ultimately come from Putins end.

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