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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Peace Talks Between Ukraine and Russia Under Way in Turkey - BBC News

Peace Talks Between Ukraine and Russia Under Way in Turkey - BBC News

Delegates from Ukraine and Russia have met for the first time in two weeks to discuss bringing an end to the war.

The Ukrainian side are pushing for a ceasefire, but hopes for a diplomatic breakthrough are reportedly low.

Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich was earlier spotted attending the talks in Istanbul.

Thank you Türkiye for making an effort to bringing both sides to the table. It is much appreciated. Hopefully the 2 sides can come up with some sort of ceasefire and agreement

If they manage to negotiate peace between ukraine and russia I pray next for a world where people stop being so vicious to complete strangers in the YouTube comments section. Wishful thinking....

The dialogues are have been absolutely good, and Ukraine and Russia both have a great deal together. This is truly a one big sign, and it's a first step before a more good deal and a final peace agreement, after the Putin-Zelensky meeting of course. Peace is coming!

Reading some of these comments just shows that we as a country, The majority of the UK are extremely naive. Everyone thinks something like this can't happen, we all try to prepare but only when it's too late. WW3 could still possibly happen at anytime

This will go absolutely nowhere. Russia ain't going to stop the conflict until it's forces control all the southern coast and prevent Black Sea access for what is left of Ukraine once Novorossiya is complete from the Southern Steppe.

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