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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Inside U.S. Space Force As It Guards Against Potential Attacks

Inside U.S. Space Force As It Guards Against Potential Attacks

NBC News’ Tom Costello gets an exclusive look inside the main Space Force Satellite Operations Center. The center keeps watch over America’s military satellites and the world’s GPS network operating in an increasingly hostile environment. Concern at the still relatively new military branch is focused on the growing presence of Russian and Chinese assets in space.

We've had a Space Force for a very long time. It is a part of the USAF, it's called SAC, Strategic Air Command. Not knocking or comparing. I know it's something that has needed funding and development for some time. It's also not just about fighting in outer space. It is also about protecting ourselves from weapons deployed from space. God speed US Space Force!

Thank you Space Force! I am glad to see a Worthy military branch of USA government...may space Force protect And serve the people of the USA thru it's good responsible leadership.

"To infinitely and beyond!" A space branch of the military has existed pre NASA? What did Trump do? Add a Buzz Lightyear patch? Trump's legacy was to add a pre existing branch of the military. Wait'll he finds out there's a Navy. That'll screw up his plans for a Water Force!

We have weather sensors and other things and now we have record breaking temperatures. Now we have a space patrol. Guess what’s going to happen.

Somebody might want to remind the Chinese and the Russians that in the 19th century the American sent a fighter jet to the edge of space to blast a American satellite out of the sky how easy would that be to knock one of their satellites out

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