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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Some Belarusians Join the Fight Against Russia

Some Belarusians Join the Fight Against Russia

ABC News’ Patrick Reevell reports on the key role Belarus plays in the conflict in Ukraine, and some Belarusians now joining the fight.

This is groundbreaking. These men right here face execution in their home country and more than likely to never return. And it's all done for ethics and morality. I'm proud to live in time pwhere there are men like this.  This one warmed my heart

To all Belarusians who defy the dictator of their homeland, we send our heartfelt blessings1  Your courage is matched only by the Ukraine liberators!

Seeing Ukrainians, bravery Belarus exposed hate to Putin regime, the enemy of the world and great that they joined hands with Ukraine. Bravo. Defeat evil to build a peaceful world. Every human being is precious irrespective of Language, customs and religion.

I have so much respect for all the Belarusians who have come to aid Ukraine in their fight against Putin's tyrannical invasion. Through their efforts they will save Ukraine and the days of the Lukashenko regime will also be numbered. Ukraine and Belarus will both be free! Glory to the Heroes!

Perhaps, never before, has there been such a clear cut case of heroism by a soldier who is willing to fight for a friend/cousin/brother/sister/family than this Belarus hero. God bless him, his family and his brothers in arms.

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