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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Kellyanne Conway: Biden's Problems Mean a Democrat Problem Heading Into Midterms

Kellyanne Conway: Biden's Problems Mean a Democrat Problem Heading Into Midterms

When I was a clueless anti-trump man child, all I was allowed to do was laugh at kellyann for the whole “alternative fact” thing, even though I totally understood what she was trying to at the time. So many years later…man this lady is an absolute shark lol. She is laser accurate with so many responses I’ve seen. God bless Kellyanne.

Ms. Alternative Facts herself on-air to sow division. Remember when Kellyanne Conway said something to promote growth and unify Americans?? I don't...

I donr understand how Kellyanne Conway be so much to the right and her husband be so far to the left! And still be a happily married couple. She as always makes great points when arguing the facts of the lefts corrupt lies. Especially after how she was attacked and treated by the media, if her husband had a set, he would have stood up for her long ago!

Would it be possible for Trump to ask Vladimir Putin for a personal meeting in order to discuss an ending to the Ukrainian war?  Great Kudos back home.  :-)

I do miss Kelly when she was with Trump  the left hated her for speaking truth I mean really how much more can the people put up with under this administration.

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