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Saturday, April 30, 2022

A 22-Year-Old American Marine Veteran has been Killed in Ukraine

A 22-Year-Old American Marine Veteran has been Killed in Ukraine

A 22-year-old American Marine veteran has been killed in Ukraine, a former USS George Washington sailor speaks out about suicides among ship crew members, and former President Trump campaigns for Republican candidates ahead of the midterms.

That virtual cop training thing doesn't address the core issue of cops escalating a situation into the death by cop of someone. First and foremost COPS NEED TO DEESCALATE THEMSELVES. Cops in a lot of the unnecessary death by cop killings have themselves escalated the situation into tragedy. For starters cops need to rotate off the street in a  one week off the street two weeks on the street, to decompress. Also the mannerisms of cops needs to fundamentally change. The most recent high profile unnecessary death by cop shooting in Grand Rapids Michigan was completely the cops fault as the cop escalated the situation to a state of out of control. That cop should be fired jailed and sued by the family of the deceased. In the GRPD case the cop should've stood down until assistance arrived but he clearly is not trained to recognize when he should've done that.

My father was a Career Army soldier/officer. He went to VMI. He started out as a Cavalry Horse Soldier before WWII. He fought in WWII, Korea, Vietnam. He was born during the pandemic of 1918, lived during the Depression...and so much more. He grew up on a farm in Virginia. I asked my father how he dealt with what he had seen as a soldier...and he told me he had to rise above it.....  and move onward.  Some people aren't able to do that. Here's to soldiers, sailors, airmen!!! Try to stay strong...!!! We believe in you!!!

Oklahoma passes an anti-abortion law but, leaves unwanted children suffering in horrible conditions. The state's child welfare/protection services is deplorable; there's not enough social workers due to low pay and long hours for the number of abused and neglected children in the state of Oklahoma nor are there any resources for these UNWANTED children. They end up in for profit Oklahoma prisons. Just in case there's anyone who doesn't know!

The military has a LONG way to go to improve mental health care, in every branch. The entire system is built to repress anyone seeking help for even the most simple of issues. Feeling depressed? Better not say anything lest risk your job prospects.  It's absolutely disgusting seeing how many members commit suicide due to outdated, unrealistic standards of mental health.

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