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Thursday, March 31, 2022

LAST MINUTE (Urgent News) - Russian Troops Leave The City

LAST MINUTE (Urgent News) - Russian Troops Leave The City

Achieved what they wanted to do???? Lol. Lose men attacking civilians, stay for 2 weeks then leave with radiation poisoning.? Strange objectives.

They may be have prepared the facility to be destroyed remotely. That would be one large Dirty Bomb. Hope that facility is checked carefully. A major disaster.

Just another Russian ploy. .....They are absolutely not leaving Ukraine. but are are simply re-deploying their soldiers elsewhere ( in the Donbass region ) to have more firepower there.      They never said they were moving their forces out of Ukraine.

Are they "Glowing in the dark"? Are they all now Super Man or Spider Man? Or, did they stay there long enough to receive a high level dose of radiation that will kill or disable them in the near future?

I pray and pray that Russia should leave these people in peace. Don't meddle in their lives. Let them make decisions for themselves. You can see Zelenskyy came from a home with decent home training. He doesn't want to be fighting with his people. He is an inspiration to other Leaders. I wish them PEACE AND HAPPINESS. ONE DAY they will be one of the happiest people on this Universe. It's so heartbreaking to see the level of destruction that humans can inflict on their own. God will show them the way to rebuild Ukraine. I pray each day for their return of normalcy in their lives. RIP those whose lives were lost here and speedy recovery to the injured and sick in Ukraine.

The Infinity audio comments do not make sense regardless of what language is being used.. First it seems to claim that the Russians are out of the town and then goes on to say the town is 'occupied'. Additionally Infinity News audio reporting constantly containing or repeating the same  statements/words consecutively twice or more times in the same video which makes it frustrating to understand what is actually being said.

No doubt these wasters will plunder anything of value from Chernobyl and leave the site in a dangerous, depleted condition, only to attempt a return at some later stage and after the Ukrainians have stabilised the area.

I heard someting about several busloads of Russian troops with symptoms of radiation sickness, did they stay that long and mess about where they shouldn't have?

It's such a problem.  Psychopaths often rule a country and become threats to humanity.  I wish I had the answer.  As we explore space and technologically will soon be entering a phase not long ago was science fiction will become an reality  1 single Psychopath can still bring unimaginable misery and death and threaten the existence of the entire world.

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