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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Huge Shock to Putin: Belarusian Army Began to Retreat! Russians on Alarm!

Huge Shock to Putin: Belarusian Army Began to Retreat! Russians on Alarm!

The expression on the faces of those Belarus Generals looked like they were being assigned a Kamikaze mission, lol. They certainly did not look impressed with Putin and Lukashenko's battle plans.

The Belarusian armed forces consist of 45,000 men, most of them conscripts.

In Lithuania, Latvia and Poland, NATO is currently building up its forces on a massive scale. Professional soldiers with the best equipment.

It is perhaps easy to forget that Lukashenko is only in power because Putin sent his army into Belarus to keep Lukashenko in power. Dispite what the western press may say, the Ukraine has a manpower advantage, and a hardware advantage. As the Ukrainian offensive moves forward, because of poor communication systems, Russian troops are going to be at a severe disadvantage.  And there will be Russian units that are routed.  So, then, what will the Belarusians do?  If they see the Russians losing, will they decide that it's time to kick the Russians out?

I suspect that there is something else going on here.  The president of Belarus might be worried that with Russia's failure, his own people are thinking they have a shot at removing him.  After all, what can Russia do about it? Invade?  

I obviously can't know for sure, but I think he is hopping his generals and some of his troops will stay loyal to him if things hit the fan.  He needs them close, not out on the boarders.

the 30 pieces of silver given to their ambassador leaving upon leaving out the back door through Moldova sent a strong unmistaken message... Guess they noticed all those troops on their Polish Border, the NATO not Polish troops...may be...

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