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Sunday, March 27, 2022

Bash Presses NATO Rep. on Walking Back Biden's Unscripted Putin Declaration

Bash Presses NATO Rep. on Walking Back Biden's Unscripted Putin Declaration

CNN's Dana Bash questions US Permanent Representative to NATO, Julianne Smith, on Biden's off-the-cuff declaration that Russian President Vladimir Putin "cannot remain in power."

Thre is no reason to apologize for stating the obvious.   Certainly Putin is aware of the fact that all the leaders of NATO countries and decent human beings around the globe realize that he is unfit to govern. The question isn’t whether he should be removed, but who will do it and how.

It's not unscripted. It's like a lawyer saying something in court that the judge will then say "the jury will disregard." You put it out there knowing it will be walked back but cannot be unsaid i.e. you cannot unspill the milk.

This interview could have taken less than a minute and not almost 10 ...  What a bag full of wasted words...  "Do you think Biden meant what he said about Putin not remaining in power?"  Answer:  "Yes."   "Do you think the white house was wrong to downplay Biden's comment, and by doing that, made the U.S. look weaker in the eyes of the world?"   Answer:  "Yes."   Perfect... Interview over, change the channel to HBO and watch reruns of "The Vikings" so we can all admire how much the world has advanced in a thousand years.

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