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Sunday, March 27, 2022

Russian Helicopter Landing Hit by Missile.

Russian Helicopter Landing Hit by Missile.

Russian Helicopter landing hit by missile.

The missile accurately hit the military helicopter, piercing it through and through.

A missile, apparently fired from an unidentified anti-tank missile system, successfully hit the landing helicopter. The corresponding video footage was taken from an unmanned aerial vehicle.

On the presented video frames, taken from an unmanned aerial vehicle, you can see how the rocket at great speed literally flashes through the rotary-wing combat vehicle, passing through the fuselage of the helicopter. Detonation, apparently, did not occur, however, the damage to the rotorcraft must have been extremely significant, as evidenced by the fire that had begun. According to a number of assumptions, separate parts of the rocket went right through and the detonation still took place, however, due to defective video frames, this cannot yet be established.

Despite the absence of any comments, judging by the information provided in the video, the incident took place on the morning of March 25, however, there are no other details on this subject so far, including the area where such a strike was carried out by helicopter.

Judging by the individual elements of the rotorcraft, we can talk about the Mi-8 helicopter or its modifications.

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