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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Putin ‘Significantly Underestimated’ the Ukrainian People: GOP Congressman

Putin ‘Significantly Underestimated’ the Ukrainian People: GOP Congressman

ABC News’ Phil Lipof speaks with Rep. Brian Kevin Fitzpatrick, R-Pa., co-chair of the bipartisan Congressional Ukraine Caucus, about the state of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

An aloof narcissist underestimating his opponent is hardly news. It's pretty much always their downfall. Holding their own ability in such a high regard that their mind simply cannot fathom somebody besting them...and when it inevitably happens, it will, of course, be somebody else's fault.

Finallyt, someone who clearly knows what he's talking about. I wholeheartedly agree on Congressman Fitzpatrick on every one of his points. Appeasement is not the way to handle tyranny. Fear only emboidens the wicked. We should not be guided by what we fear butby what is just and righteous. Humankind is one, and every human life matters, regardless of race, gender, class or nationality.

“I think it’s important to note, the United States of America is only 245 years old. That’s just a few generations, and yet, we are the worlds oldest democracy! No democracy on this planet has survived more than a few generations and it could disappear very quickly.  If Ukraine should be teaching the world anything, it’s how fragile democracy is, Ukrainian independence is only 30 years old! If anybody was questioning whether the Ukrainians are worthy of NATO membership, many people were criticizing their military, saying they weren’t up to par, hopefully their opinion has changed after witnessing what we’re seeing now!” 

What an excellent, very clear & concise way of summing up not only the situation in Ukraine in regards to their fight to maintain their rightful independence and democracy, their attempts to join NATO (which in my humble opinion, they’ve clearly demonstrated they have earned a position in NATO & should be granted that!) and how they’ve proven just how wrong the criticism of their military, their strength as a nation and how strong willed the Ukrainian ppl are to fight to continue to maintain their independence & democracy is by fighting off the Russian military and Russian force for a straight month now! But, it also clearly & concisely describes in ways that are easily understood for the vast majority of ppl just how fragile democracy is, that it can disappear before our very eyes if we do not remain vigilant and be willing to fight for it and to preserve it! That even America is at risk of having this occur, that America is nowhere near as old as other countries - America is still such a new country w such a short history compared to the rest of the world, yet it has the longest surviving democracy, which can all disappear if the American ppl do not do what’s required to maintain and fight to keep it!! 

What many Americans do not realize, is that the democracy is already under attack and is being chipped away at. That if Americans do not start to pay attention to what’s going on to and in their own country and start fighting back against the things going on that are chipping away at their democracy and the republic, making it even more fragile and at risk of disappearing before their very eyes than it ever previously was - that it will be changed into something that goes completely against what the country set out to be that set it apart from the rest of the world! Changing it into something that is the opposite of and goes completely against what the nation went to battle and won the independence and freedom to have America set up to operate and function like no other country did at that time and is still very distinct and unique in modern times, and how the Founding Fathers set the country to run and function, who wanted the best for America and to make it so very different and better w more freedoms, liberties & rights than any other country had at the time, no matter how flawed they are when viewed through a current modern day lens! 

We hear a lot of “fighting to save our  democracy” speeches and talking points from Democrats. However, a lot of the ways that the American democracy & republic are actually being chipped away at, they’re not talking about and aren’t the things they’re referring to when making said speeches and sadly, are often even things they champion, cheer on and want more of. While at the same time, the things they claim are supposedly chipping away at the American democracy and republic, putting it at risk and are what they need to “fight against to save the American democracy”, aren’t things that are actually happening or aren’t things that are putting the American democracy and republic at risk! 

This isn’t me saying the Republicans are always right or that they too don’t get worked up into a frenzy and hysterics, whipping up their base right along side of them, in regards to claims about the American democracy and republic being in peril over things it’s really not. But, right now the Democrats have “fight to save our democracy” as one of their main talking points at the vast majority of their speeches and are claiming this thing or that thing are putting the American democracy and republic in peril, whipping their base into a frenzy, when they’re grossly misrepresenting those things & they’re actually not putting American democracy and republic in peril at all. While at the same time, actually cheering on things, championing them and pushing for more of things that are actually chipping away at the American democracy and republic, which is just utterly confusing as to why they’d do that!! 

Americans just need to pay attention to what’s actually and truly going on and try to cut all the noise, distractions, hysterics, the dirty politics and political games that manipulate, deceive and lie to Americans about a myriad of things, the propaganda that is put forth by both parties and how both parties try to whip their bases up into a frenzy over various things and how much the American government toys w its citizens and voters. 

Stop and think about what’s going on and ask yourself what the possible consequences and long term effects of whatever it is, questioning whether it’s something that’s actually good or bad and how it can end up affecting the country and the American democracy and republic!!! 

If it’s something you’re cheering for and more than comfortable w bc it’s targeting the opposite party than you’re affiliated w or ppl you don’t like or agree w, thinking your party, you and the ppl you like and agree w are safe and in the free and clear bc it’s not targeting or affecting you, your party and the ppl you like, agree w and approve of, stop and think really hard if it’s actually going to continue to be only focused on just the opposite party and the ppl you don’t like, agree w or approve of. Or,  if those powers and controls will eventually end up targeting more and more ppl and will eventually target and affect you, but by then it’s too late - cats out of the bag! 

Think long and hard about how we have to fight for the freedoms, rights, liberties and independence of each other - including of those we don’t agree w, like, approve of, who align differently on the political spectrum, for the opposite political party than our own…..that the American democracy and republic, the freedoms, rights, liberties and independence that America has that sets it apart from the rest of the world are for everyone and not just the ppl and party we align w, like, agree w and approve of! Saying it isn’t so and only applies to one side or certain ppl, or just fighting for one side or certain ppl while looking the other way or even cheering it on when it happens to the other side or certain ppl,  is something that’s already chipping away at, putting at risk and is putting the American democracy and republic in jeopardy!! 

Cancel culture is putting the American democracy and republic at jeopardy and anyone who says “cancel culture doesn’t exist” clearly doesn’t understand what’s being referred to when talking about cancel culture and is also clearly not paying attention to what’s been going on and being realistic. While also showing they’re okay w chipping away at and putting the American democracy and republic at jeopardy bc they agree w what’s currently going on or don’t take issue w it bc it’s not affecting them currently - but is targeting ppl they don’t agree w, like or approve of. However, we’re seeing cancel culture start to affect more and more ppl and it’s not only just one side anymore or certain ppl, while not others, bc that’s how these types of things always happen - they don’t just stay continuing to target one group and not eventually encapsulate and affect all the other ppl as well, too!! Just like more and more ppl are being censored and censorship is out of control right now and only continuing to grow, while those w the power to censor others are gaining more power and control to do so and are abusing the power and control they have! Just think, social media and those who control it are more powerful and have more control than the American government and even the American press does right now, and that’s a terrifying thought!! 

Remember, reflect and really stop to think about the post WWII poem “First they came…” by Pastor Martin Neimöller and how much that applies to so much of what’s going on in current modern day every time something new happens! Stop to think of where things could end up and is something that’s really good for America, it’s democracy and republic and the American ppl or not - what the consequences, ramifications and long term implications of whatever policy, legislation, whatever situation it is you’re cheering on, are ok w are, or you are making up your mind on how you really feel about it and asking yourself hard questions about it!! Stop and think of the “First they came for…..” poem and ask yourself many questions and think long and hard about it and where it can lead to before you get on board, are ok w something or start cheering something on!! 

Keep your eyes open, stay awake and vigilant, America!! Things are happening right before your very eyes and you’re being distracted to look at and get all worked up over things that really aren’t important at all, so that the powers that be can continue to get away w incredibly shady and dangerous things and not be held accountable!!

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