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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Lugansk Militia Seized Military Equipment in Joint Operation with Russian Army Forces

Lugansk Militia Seized Military Equipment in Joint Operation with Russian Army Forces

Authorities of the self-proclaimed republic of Lugansk claimed the capture of military equipment from Ukrainian forces, our special envoy Alejandro Kirk brings us the details. teleSUR

According to the ministry of defense of Russia .

In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 261 unmanned aerial vehicles, 204 anti-aircraft missile systems, 1,587 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 163 multiple rocket launchers, 636 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 1,397 units of special military vehicles.

The Minsk agreements were the legal framework to bring peace of mind to those involved, mainly to Ukraine, but Ukraine herself steadfastly refused to apply them for a little over 8 years . That continuous genocide was hushed up by the UN, USA, EU, UK, NGO'S, Western media and others...

Now that Russia put reality on the table, those same unfortunates who kept silent are the ones who come out to  prosecute and punish Russia. And I wonder what did those who today criticize and sanction Russia to do peacefully resolve the problem? But do you know what they did?

1 Promote a coup against legitimate government

2 Continuously boycott the Minsk agreement

3 Secretly train the military

4 Sell Ukraine weapon

5 Create a media crisis

6 Destroy the Ukrainian economy.

Must be there same US army advisers with their excellent experience from Afghanistan and told them, that this is the easier way how to win the war.

Are you sure? I was reading MSN news and it was saying how Ukraine forces was destroying and capturing all the Russian tanks and that the Russians are actually retreating.

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