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Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Brutality of War on Ukraine’s Front Lines

The Brutality of War on Ukraine’s Front Lines

Russia announced on March 29 it would scale back its assault on Kyiv. But in the village of Moshchun, just 20 miles north of the capital, the battle raged on.

I just can't say enough, The resistance the Ukrainians are putting up is nothing short of amazing! There're so admirably dedicated to this fight for their freedom it's inspiring,the free world can't let a people and country like this be extinguished! Just the principle of freedom alone demands it! We owe it to all our Freedom!

The Ukrainian Sergeant explained their position regarding the Russians very well indeed. I hope his dreams of forming a building company to rebuild the homes comes true.

I'm in the sanity of my home in Greece watching bodies of dead Russians lying around in the streets of Ukraine making me realise how fortunate I am to be where I am. My heart goes out to all those who have lost their lives in Putin's war which nobody wanted

I love the idea that they have a "small dream of a Ukrainian soldier" to have a building company and rebuild the area. That is not a small dream. It is the dream of the victor.

"As you can see, the fighting here was very intense.  But we won.  And they were defeated".   Such a matter-of-fact way that he says it.  Amazing!

Apparently the guys who fired that rpg aren’t saying much.  Good job Ukrainian fighters.  It brings it home that these are average guys who are fighting for their homes and loved ones.  Keep killing the orcs!  No quarter

I love this guy's sarcasm and humor after everything he's been thru and wat he knows still awaits him he's still got his humor.. starting around the 1:00 mark and on especially when he's going thru that bag lmao

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