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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Russian Bombers Armed with Nuclear Warheads Violated EU Airspace

Russian Bombers Armed with Nuclear Warheads Violated EU Airspace

Russian bombers armed with nuclear warheads have been accused of violating European Union airspace, and doing so on purpose.

Someone in the Kremlin must have asked, "Hey, what's the fastest way to get Sweden and Finland to join NATO with broad support from the public?", because this nuclear-armed incursion of EU airspace is the answer.

They are testing the waters of the reaction of swedes. They also want to emphasize that if ever Sweden wanted to join Nato they would react with invasion or nuclear option. That's the bad part like Ukraine who have heralding their intention of Joining Nato but never yet a Nato member. Hence, Russia invaded them earlier before they joined Nato. The lesson is don't let Russia know your intention to join. But do it secretly and as fast as you can.

Europe has been intimated by a bully at their backyard and will always be unless they are united as one. So far sadly, some component countries had been addicted to their oil & gas drips; now they are regretting the whole idea and turns out to be very bad idea & being blackmailed now. Their politicians should have seen this risk coming but I guess politicians are shortsighted only concern of their term in office.

Happens in Canada every month.  Welcome to OUR world,  from a country which ALSO borders on Russia.  (to the North)  Canada regularly scrambles fighters to intercept Russian bombers, as does the United States.

If Ukraine is to become a neutral buffer zone with no nukes then I want Belarus, Kaliningrad, Transnistria, Crimea and Donbass to be buffer neutral zones with no nuclear weapons.

Violations of Swedish and /or Finnish airspace of Russian planes happens all the time. The reason for this was so highly notable by the media is due to the Russian invasion of Ucraine.

The more one intentionally inflicted hurt on someone, the more the pain they will receive as a result of retaliation. Is it worth to spar with someone to test his skill to determine who is better . As long as more lethal weapons is used , the more devastating the war is going to be . All because there is lack of integrity and assurance offered to ensure peace . Just 1% of the chances is good enough to override the 99% not possible . In war , anything is possible because war is always cruel.

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