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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

'Dirty Chinese Money' Went Straight 'to Hunter Biden's Bank Account'

'Dirty Chinese Money' Went Straight 'to Hunter Biden's Bank Account'

Hunter Biden's received millions of dollars from a Chinese energy company despite having no qualifications for the role, according to an article published in the Washington Post. 

Over the course of 14 months from 2017, Chinese company CEFC China Energy paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and his uncle, James.

Hunter was on the receiving end of a $1 million legal retainer for the representation of a CEFC official named Patrick Ho.

Ho would subsequently go on to be charged by the US government in connection to a scheme to bribe leaders from Chad and Uganda.

It's kind of like without any experience I became the chief of police. How did this guy get such a good job without any experience other than having some kind of pole with his father's name

None of this matters if they're not gonna do anything about it. All the allegations/accusations/charges whatever you want to call it will be dropped and he'll be free like nothing happened.

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