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Friday, April 29, 2022

'War is Good Business': How US Weapons Makers Profit in Ukraine

'War is Good Business': How US Weapons Makers Profit in Ukraine

CNN's Alex Marquardt looks at how the nation's biggest weapons manufacturers benefit from the ongoing war in Ukraine.

One commentator (Beau of the Fifth Column) broke down the spending and found what we'd given to Ukraine so far was about 1% of the the income for military contractors who do business with the US for a year. Hardly a windfall.

Yeah this is a normal reaction. Defense Contractors must give back though. They're gonna really need to deliver on other arms that haven't been sent to Ukraine yet.

I can't speak to the ethics of the business end of weapons production but I worked in the industry as an engineer and it was just an interesting challenge to me. A lot of the problem solving we were involved in had civilian applications too. Same with space flight technology. Not trying to justify the enormous profits but pointing out that weapons development is not an isolated endeavor.

Do you think people make weapons out of the goodness of their own hearts? People are in factories making a salary/paycheck from these jobs. Necessary jobs which provides weapons for not only US military, but European militaries as well. Of course they profit, how else are they supposed to get workers to actually make the weapons?

Weapons manufactures always ALWAYS make money from war ... But if it were that simple there are a hundred conflicts that could be supported with weapons ... this is not just profiteering ... although they're making a profit

The reason we keep those industries around and allow them to sell while at peace, is so there is always some production capacity ready in case of a crisis like this.

So for once, they are actually doing exactly what we have them for, rather then just keeping the assembly line running.

I suspect we are asking some suppliers to do extraordinary things to increase production or rapidly convert to making a new variant. The defense suppliers aren’t angels or devils. They do need financial over sight but we should also feel fortunate to have them working hard at critical times like this when very courageous people are dying to end the destruction of their country and people.

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