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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

This is Amazing What They Found on the Temple Mount! Solomon Temple Evidence!

This is Amazing What They Found on the Temple Mount! Solomon Temple Evidence!

According to the Biblical accounts, King Solomon transformed Jerusalem into a glorious city that attracted pilgrims worldwide. The Temple that Salomon built for the God of Israel was a jewel in the crown of this magnificent city. Two destructions of Jerusalem, first by Babylon in 856 and then by Rome and A.D. 70, effectively removed the Jewish Holy site from the temple mount. Eventually, Jerusalem was conquered by the Muslims, who built the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, where the Jewish people believed the Temple stood. But is there any evidence or even remains of the Temple built by Solomon? In this episode, we will examine this claim and hope that after watching this episode, many of your questions will be answered. 

This was very interesting - much love and history still remains in Israel - there is no other nation like Israel - Looking forward to the New Jerusalem, where God's beauty and majesty will be displayed fully.  Thank you for all your work.

I can tell that you put a great deal of time, and effort into this incredible video! Thank you for sharing this, and for your excellent research. I'm always looking forward to seeing your videos.

God has certainly used your channel in Magnificent ways helping Christians to understand the Traditions and Geography of our Lord's Millennium Reign.

Sir, from my heart i believe in God and His inspired words written in the holy Bible, im truly grateful, to you for your hard work, your generosity, and all of your precious time that you took to create these powerful video’s, filled with biblical truths, i wish everyone can watch these videos, theres a lot of people who believe in evolution, instead of Gods Creation. You took so much time hard work and dedication to show us true Biblical facts and History straight from God’s holy book. When compared with what is written in the Bible you made it so clear for the world to see the TRUTH. I dont have enough words to thank you 🙏 God bless you and your family abundantly

There's something like 3 or 4 different times that scripture tells all the measurements of the temple inside and out. When I read these, each time I am wondering why this is so important that HaShem has included these in His great book to us.

I visited the Temple Mount in 2016 and remember the stabbing pain seeing the Dome there.  Imagine how God feels.  

Having said, it really didn’t matter if the Dome now sits above the Ark cos the Holy Spirit and God’s presence had already left the temple and the Ark a long long time ago in Ezekiel 10:18.  

Solomon might have built the temple, and yet, I often wonder, how could this humble young king who asked for God’s wisdom even dabble in witchcraft in his later years?

Third Temple?  Don’t bother.  Rather than look around to building this structure, look up to where Christ will appear in the clouds to summon His people on that blessed day!

I was there in the 90s. Walked around the temple mount but didn't know what I was looking at in detail. Never went inside the mosque, wish I had. Walked all the way around the old city walls.  It was a great month spent roaming around Israel. Faith building. Yeah, I am convinced now that the temple stood where the mosque is now.

This is fascinating, and I am looking forward to new Jerusalem.

Revelation 3:12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. KJV Jesus’ words.

Wow! Well done. I have always been seriously  intrigued by the original location of the Temple of Solomon and the hidden away location of the Ark of the Covenant (by Jeremiah I think). I've had such vivid dream about the revealing of both as well as the Altar of Sacrifice and Bronze Laver. There's not enough space for details. I love you videos! They are very telling. God bless you!

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