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Friday, April 29, 2022

If Russians Go Nuclear They Would be Signing Their Own Death Certificates, Say Military Analysts

If Russians Go Nuclear They Would be Signing Their Own Death Certificates, Say Military Analysts

Former NATO ambassador Ivo Daalder and ex-Pentagon official Evelyn Farkas break down how Western leaders should stand up to Russia's aggression. 

As a Russian citizen I completely realize that nuclear war in the last day for dozens if not hundreds of million of people. This is unacceptable. Keep in mind that decision to make the launch has to go through several man until last soldiers really push the buttons and switches. Not everyone is stupid to do so for someone's crazy wish. I'm absolutely and completely against any war as a possible way to solve any problem cause it just multiplies them.

I remember being at school and the entire year was kept in for the actions of some anonymous pupil. The words of the vice head teacher ring out in my ears after all this time. "There's always one person who has to spoil things for everyone."

Saber rattling over nuclear weapons is forgetting the mass power each weapon can hold , the misery it comes with is real , the people who  live in the region and have no power over its outcome is maddening .

We are with the Ukrainian army and people, although the situation is dangerous, but we should not abandon Ukraine in the hands of the criminal Putin. NATO must not yield to the threats of nuclear war from Russia, because they do not dare to engage in this war.Long Live Ukraine.

Logistics, logistics, logistics. I still remember reading, almost 30 years ago how difficult it was to maintain and support Russian armour. Spare parts would not fit, they were hard to get, and oftentimes, each vehicle relied upon a lot of hand work, after primary manufacture just to get the damn things to work. 

Don't just say they would be signing their own death certificate, it would be world death certificate put in mind no one is immune to nuclear weapons. Don't fully depend on your iron Dom or whatever defense you think you have, if just one should manages in succeeding to any country it would be catastrophic. We pray for peace and unity thats all we need.... not assumptions and escalations.

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