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Friday, April 22, 2022

Ukraine War: Russia Outlines Latest 'Phase 2' Plan of Attack

Ukraine War: Russia Outlines Latest 'Phase 2' Plan of Attack

Sky's Mark Stone reports on Russia's latest plan of attack on Ukraine which includes efforts to take over the Donbas before pushing further west.

"In an urban society, everything connects. Each person's needs are fed by the skills of many others. Our lives are woven together in a fabric, but the connections that makes society strong, also make it vulnerable."

-Threads, 1984.

My god this man has the whole world held captive !! On a human level and economically for the world outside Ukraine, I have a feeling that we will be left with no option but to intervene . I think it’s eneviatable

The problem is going to be maintaining the land bridge, Ukrainians can constantly attack this land bridge. It means Russia has to maintain a a large force on Ukrainian soil. With continuing sanctions and oil exports slowing from Russia they can’t possibly maintain this for long.

How are they going to do that without the naval cover from their fleet tho? Their whole black sea fleet ran away several hundred miles because the Ukrainians' sunk their flagship and have more anti ship missiles. This "plan" seems more like wishful thinking

Since they have been so open. I would assume this is a lie to misdirect.

But it is true putin has personal emotions for Odessa and he believes he is the one to reunite the soviet empire. So maybe it is true.  But what kind of idiot would just openly and honestly talk their plan.

I would recommend for your reporter to check out Pat Lancaster's Youtube videos so that he stops depending too much on Ukrainian propaganda. Putin always does what he says he is going to do most western media houses are yet to come across such a leader since they are so used to their own leaders lying to them.

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