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Friday, April 29, 2022

'Putin Has Lost His War In Ukraine' Says Amb. Michael McFaul

'Putin Has Lost His War In Ukraine' Says Amb. Michael McFaul

President Biden says the rhetoric coming out of Russian officials shows 'desperation,' and the president asks Congress to approve a massive $33 billion aid package for Ukraine. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell speaks to former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul.

Putin grossly overestimated the power of the Russian Army whilst grossly underestimating the will the the people of Ukraine to fight for their freedom.

It can't be overstated just how much Putin overestimated his military. That seems like an obvious statement but think about how we would react if we saw our military perform in such a fashion. The Russian disconnect says something strongly about Putin and just how isolated he is, not just physically but mentally. To be so far out of touch with reality speak volumes.

Well, the US is offering Ukraine 33 billion in aid. And that’s just trough September. 

 Russia’s entire military budget for the year is 65 billion. The US is now getting into this. 33 billion is what we call real money. Before that it was just a few hundred million here and a billion there. Pocket change. Now the real money is starting to flow. In about a month Ukraine will be awash in high tech weapons, courtesy of the Red White and Blue. 🇺🇸

Putin should be awarded * employee of the month * at NATO: 1- accelerated accession of Finland and Sweden; 2- motivated Germany to 10x their defense budget; 3- crippled dozens of Russian army battalions; 4- reinforced unity of USA and Europe; 5- accelerated transition of Europe to clean energies and away from Russian oil & gas.

"The will to fight." No one expected this from the Ukrainians, but anyone who followed the Maidan Revolution should not be surprised by the Ukrainians' will to fight for freedom, independence, and democracy. Way to go, Ukraine!

Russia strategically lost the war plus militarized Ukarine, united Europe, myth of super power gone, Ukarine more boldened, created a permanent enemy on the border, Donbass may be won at significant loses. With more advance weaponary in upcoming months things will change in favor of Ukarine. Good Putin how can you think of Russian dominance when you can't even deal with Ukarine.

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