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Sunday, April 24, 2022

Russian General Reveals Next Country on Putin’s Invasion List

Russian General Reveals Next Country on Putin’s Invasion List

A Russian general has revealed an ominous new plan to seize southern Ukraine and establish a land corridor through Moldova.

I don’t think this general gave anything away. That guy in Belarus Lukashenko gave it away when he put the board up with the map does anybody remember that?

This was obvious all along... and not only Transnistria, but entire Moldova's existence solely depends on whenever Ukraine wins or loses. If Ukraine loses the war Moldova automatically gets taken with Ukraine, there is no question about it, russia is under sanctions anyway so they would not lose anything and from military perspective taking Moldova would be easier than taking small Ukrainian town, like Kherson. And there will be no miracles in Moldova as it was in Ukraine, very different countries, Moldova does not have any weapons or capabilities to defend itself. In Ukraine it was the question of will i.e. whenever Ukrainians would be willing to use all they weapons and fight, or would they surrender and their government would flee - surprise was not their military strength, surprise was that they decided to fight. In Moldova that is not the case - there is simply no strength to speak of, so nor real possibility of defending even if they wanted to.

If Moldova thinks they can talk their way out of this by saying "there is no way Russia would disrespect our independence, they said so" they have not been paying attention to Russia for the last few centuries. If they get a chance to take all or part of the country they will.

The Russian-speakers in Transnistria amount to less than a third of the population, not much more than the Ukrainian and Romanian-speaking populations. Another interesting fact is that the Romanians switched to the Latin alphabet in the 19th century, but Stalin made the "Moldovans" switch back to Cyrillic after he forced Romania to give up their land under the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

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