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Thursday, April 21, 2022

Ukrainian Man Tracks Russian Troop Movements With Stolen Airpods

Ukrainian Man Tracks Russian Troop Movements With Stolen Airpods

After his apartment was looted by Russian soldiers, Ukrainian Vitaliy Semenets has been tracking the location of his AirPods for clues on Russian troop movements. Semenets joins Morning Joe to discuss.

Ukrainians are BRILLIANT!!! i have so much respect for them, their strength, intelligence & determination is admirable. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦!!

Why tf did I never think of such a thing. I think now we need to send Ukraine lots of Iphones and such to both help with communications, but also to leave around for Russian troops to take.

Tracking enemy troops! Apple, take out a patent!  Seriously, another tribute to the Ukrainians' versatility and resourcefulness. "Lend me your VitalyPods, I sense a Putin is near...!"

So many things have built-in trackers that Russian soldier literally risk their lives every time they steal something. A Russian general was killed because he used a stolen Ukrainian cellphone.

Clever and imaginative, using it to track his airpods, needless to say they will be reentering Ukraine soon and then easy enough to get even. Ukrainians are obviously ahead of the game 🇺🇦  .

What a story or contrasts - We learn of Vitaliy's sad experience returning home, how the spirit of Ukrainians grew as they proved their will and ability to fight was more than a match against the Russians, and then followed by the humorous, potential militarization of 'airpod tracking' (or any similar device with a tracking feature)

Thank you Vitaliy for sharing your experience. After Putin's debacle ends, Ukaine will rebuild even stronger than before. Slava Ukraini  !

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