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Wednesday, April 20, 2022

RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR Breaking News Flash Ukraine Statement from the Pentagon

RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR Breaking News Flash Ukraine Statement from the Pentagon

Us Department of Defense (Pentagon) spokesperson John Kirby said that other countries gave Ukraine airplanes, while the United States supplied aircraft parts.

At a daily press conference, Kirby said they continue to provide arms and equipment support to Ukraine.

Responding to questions about Ukraine's demand for more advanced weapons, Kirby said, "Ukrainians have more planes than they have now two weeks ago. That's not a coincidence. It's because they can supply it from the type of aircraft they know about." he made his statements.

The question of whether other countries have given Ukraine additional airplanes," Kirby said, "without going into detail, other nations have provided them with additional platforms. So they raised their fleet. They also bought limited platforms and spare parts. I mean the platform here. So they took more planes and bought spare parts to keep these more planes in the air." said

Kirby said the United States didn't give planes, but it supplied plane parts.

The tension between Ukraine and Russia, which began in 2014, has now become a occupation. Russian President Vladimir Putin decided on 20 February to recognize the separatist regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. Claiming that the modern Ukraine was founded with Russia's support, Putin claimed that the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine was Russian territory.

The invasion, initiated by Putin's order, has entered its 56 day. As Russian forces are unable to move at the speed they want in the field, as civilian settlements begin to hit, sanctions from the Western world targeting Moscow are getting heavier and heavier.

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