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Friday, April 29, 2022

Biden Delivers Remarks On Support For Ukraine

Biden Delivers Remarks On Support For Ukraine

Watch live coverage as President Biden delivers remarks on additional support for Ukraine amid the Russian invasion.

What about the disabled and handicapped who are only getting 772.00  a month an SSA and $89.00 a month SSI??!! We need help now!!!!! I'm 66yrs old!! I have many physical conditions and can't afford much on what I'm getting. You need to help our country before you send money to another country!!!. Then help Ukraine!!!! Take care of the USA!!!!!

Keep sending the buses to Washington from Texas. The governor of Texas is doing a great job. 👍Its the only way the fools in Washington will finally address the issue. Pelosi must have written this speech. I can't understand half of what Biden said. I don't think he did either. I can't wait for November. He knew the questions ahead of time and his staff wrote out the answers on a sheet of paper. Just look at him.

Glad to see the people of this country made the huge mistake in putting you in the White House . This nut job sends OUR money over there and We , the people of this country are struggling to feed our families, put gas in our vehicles, co-payments, college tuition, utilities, the list goes on . Thanx Joe for sending OUR hard earned dollars over there and letting us struggle every. Day . Great job

How's Manchin going to vote? He voted against medicine and sustenance for the American people. Also, the NRA has been eerily quiet, as they fill their pockets with the munitions manufacturers boon. Also, will the munitions manufacturers lower their profit margins in the interest of fighting this Putin aggression?

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