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Friday, April 22, 2022

US Pledges $800M Aid Package to Ukraine

US Pledges $800M Aid Package to Ukraine

President Biden announced another $800 million package of military assistance for Ukraine along with a new program to fast-track refugees from the country into the U.S.

It is so heart-breaking to see the plight of the Ukraine's brave soldiers taking their last stand in Mariupol. They are the heroes and determined to fight till to their last drop of blood. Like the heroic people of Ukraine, the people of Burma are also taking their last stand to stamp out the military dictators from the land, once and for all. The National Unity Government (NUG) which is formed by the elected members of the parliament by the people in 2020 general election, which resides in the liberated areas, has declared to begin an “offensive war” from now on against the military regime, from the previous defensive positions. Loads of junta forces’ wives and children are now fleeing the city of Yangon, to the military stronghold city of Naypidaw in droves, in fear of attacks from the guerrilla forces. On 19 April 33 junta’s soldiers were killed and 42 wounded in a 15 days battle with the KNU. In other news, 5 police and 50 soldiers were killed by mines and attacks near Hteelin (ထီးလင်း) by the People’s Defence Forces - PDF (Democratic Voices of Burma DVB in Burmese 19 Apr 2022). For revenge, soldiers burned villages along the way. Students, who were protesting peacefully on the streets before, are now becoming PDFs and have trained systematically to fight back the military regime. At the beginning, they started with catapults and hunting rifles, but they now have some automatic weapons bought by donations from the people through black markets. They will not stop until they get the victory. They have trained well and are now gaining momentum (BBC in English 22 Apr 2022 “Myanmar - Young rebels fighting for democracy” & 01 Feb 2022 “The deadly battles that tipped Myanmar into civil war”).  Fight on heroes of Ukraine till you defeat the Russian invaders! We will also fight on till we get our freedom and democracy! May the hero President Zelenskyy and the heroic people of Ukraine defeat the cruel Russian invaders!

I think this pandemic has taught people the importance of multiple streams of income, unfortunately having a job doesn't mean security rather having different investments is the real deal.

NATO and the U.S. should also make sure they send these weapons to both Odesa and Kharkiv! And suggests to the AFU that they start building up their Defenses in both cities! Because after Donbas Region, Putin may decide to go after Odesa and Kharkiv?  ALSO, there are millions of women, children and elderly still within Ukraine but on the borders in NEED of Food, Supplies, and Medicine! I know that there are cases of Illness from poor shelter conditions, Food and Water Poisoning (probably through E-Coli), etc. NATO and the U.S. cannot ignore these displaced Citizens! Those that are refugees in other countries have better living condition! But these Ukrainians want to stay within Ukraine because this is their HOME and they are waiting for this War to cease so they can go back! NATO and U.S. please help these people too!!!

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