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Sunday, April 24, 2022

Richard Childress on Ukraine: 'I'd Love to See Our Government Get Behind Them'

Richard Childress on Ukraine: 'I'd Love to See Our Government Get Behind Them'

NASCAR legend Richard Childress shares his predictions for Sunday's Talladega race and providing aid for Ukrainians in need.
As an American I wish our government would put this much effort into our own country's problems. It's amazing they care more about Ukraine than our own border.
I’d love see our tax paying dollars to good use in our border!!!! We have sent billions to Ukraine including weapons and we don’t even know what Ukraine is doing with the money and weapons when they get it.. 
Yes, let’s push for WW III. And look Richard, you have two grandkids in NASCAR that are prime fighting age. I’m sure you are going to encourage them to go fight on the front lines once it’s all out war across the continent.
How many trillions of taxpayer money needs to be spent on weapons of war to keep Childress happy. Does not sound like he even knows the history of what started this war. I'm not surprised, most people don't have a clue. But you can't fix stupid.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said that China's construction of a military base in the Solomon Islands would be a "red line".
Beijing and the authorities of the island state have previously signed a framework agreement on cooperation in the field of security.
"We will not have Chinese naval bases in our region on our doorstep," Morrison said.  According to Australian Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, the creation of a Chinese base will be regarded by Canberra as a "scare tactic".

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