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Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Israeli Air Strikes Hit Gaza Strip

Israeli Air Strikes Hit Gaza Strip

Israeli fighter jets carried out air strikes in the Gaza Strip targeting a “weapons manufacturing site” run by Hamas, according to the Israeli military. It follows a rocket attack into southern Israel by Hamas, the first in months.

I would like to share my Layman's prayer with you. And I ask if you would say it with me. For where two or more are gathered in my name there am I in the presence of them. Matthew chapter 18 verses 19 through 20. Dear Lord we thank you for our blessings, and our blessings to come. Lord forgive us of our Sins and trespassings of our fellow man. We pray for your wisdom to guide us through the trip Falls of life. We pray for your healing hands to rid us of illnesses, we pray for your solid foundation to hold us steadfast in the storm of sin. We pray for your compassion and comfort to eliminate our worries. We uphold your glory, for from your throne love is Rule. Thank you, thank you, Lord God in heaven, Your Majesty we praise. amen. Love & blessings everyone.

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