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Saturday, April 30, 2022

China is Heading for Disaster... On Purpose

China is Heading for Disaster... On Purpose

As someone who lived in former East Bloc communist country there was one thing I remember very clearly - "party was ALWAYS right". Always. It was impossible for the Communist Party to ever be wrong. If something DID go wrong, for example crops were destroyed due to horrible 5-year plans issued by the party leaders, it was not fault of The Party, it was western imperialists who did it. There was always someone else to blame.

Kudos to you for being right over the bull’s-eye once again. Most news outlets are starting to forget there is even a lockdown happening in China let alone that it’s expanding to the capital. So much of what is going on in China does not make sense from a western viewpoint but you have brought up some key points that really help me wrap my mind around what is happening

Another plausible option I have heard is sort of a variant of stubbornness and Xi's yes man culture promotion: basically even at the best of times Xi did not like meeting with allies or competitors (which got worse over Covid times), more recently Xi has killed the messenger so many times he is also increasingly getting a diluted idea of what reality of situations actually are in the country, since who wants to risk their life to give him bad news or point out future downsides of policy dictates. To the level staff avoided briefing him on major issues like rolling blackouts which went on for months, now imagine if that applies to multiple of the simultaneous issues facing China. If that is true and those at the top have a very dilutional picture of reality, it makes sense why such crappy policy would come out as a response to a variety of problems.

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