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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Conflict In Ukraine Deepens As Both Sides Increase Artillery Strength

Conflict In Ukraine Deepens As Both Sides Increase Artillery Strength

Both Ukraine and Russia have been increasing their artillery strength as the war continues. "Our artillery is very effective because it can hit them from a big distance," says a Ukrainian fighter. "They are scared of it, 100%. They used to feel much safer." Meanwhile, Russia recently released a video of a powerful Iskander missile launcher that they claim is now inside Ukraine.

Both sides are you for real? Ukraine started with 3,000 Artillery pieces they have lost 2,700 what are 60 or 70 more going to do? they have to move them to the frontline, they have no air force to protect them, the land to the donbas or south is hundreds of miles of flat open ground? how do they get there without being seen and destroyed, yesterday Russia took some very important towns which have the main road and railway, so nothing now can go the Luhansk's region the soldiers there are totally surrounded, next few days there will be a lot of Ukrainian dead and thousands of more POW, this is going to be a slaughter, 3 weeks top Russia will have exactly half of the country never going back, it will have a buffer zone of 100's of miles of flat open land, no chance of ever retaking the land

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