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Friday, April 22, 2022

Ukraine's President Zelensky Rejects Russia's Claims to have Captured Mariupol - BBC News

Ukraine's President Zelensky Rejects Russia's Claims to have Captured Mariupol - BBC News

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has rejected Russia’s claims that the besieged port city of Mariupol has been captured.

The remaining Ukrainian fighters, as well as about a thousand civilians, are still trapped in the steel plant where they’ve been surrounded by Russian troops.

Ukrainian officials said Russia took 40 villages in the eastern Donbas region on Thursday, but President Zelensky said these and other gains are only temporary.

“They can only delay the inevitable, the time when the invaders will have to leave our territory,” Mr Zelensky said.

It’s so heart-breaking to see the plight of the Ukraine's brave soldiers taking their last stand in Mariupol. These heroes are determined to fight till to their last drop of blood. Like the heroic people of Ukraine, the people of Burma are also taking their last stand to stamp out the military dictators from the land, once and for all. The National Unity Government (NUG) which is formed by the elected members of the parliament by the people in 2020 general election, which resides in the liberated areas, has declared to begin an “offensive war” from now on against the military regime, from the previous defensive positions. Loads of junta forces’ wives and children are now fleeing the city of Yangon, to the military stronghold city of Naypidaw in droves, in fear of attacks from the guerrilla forces. On 19 April 33 junta’s soldiers were killed and 42 wounded in a 15 days battle with the KNU. In other news, 5 police and 50 soldiers were killed by mines and attacks near Hteelin (ထီးလင်း) by the People’s Defence Forces - PDF (Democratic Voices of Burma DVB in Burmese 19 Apr 2022). For revenge, soldiers burned villages along the way. Students, who were protesting peacefully on the streets before, are now becoming PDFs and have trained systematically to fight back the military regime. At the beginning, they started with catapults and hunting rifles, but they now have some automatic weapons bought by donations from the people through black markets. They will not stop until they get the victory. They have trained well and are now gaining momentum (BBC in English 22 Apr 2022 “Myanmar - Young rebels fighting for democracy” & 01 Feb 2022 “The deadly battles that tipped Myanmar into civil war”).  Fight on heroes of Ukraine till you defeat the Russian invaders! We will also fight on till we get our freedom and democracy! May the hero President Zelenskyy and the heroic people of Ukraine defeat the cruel Russian invaders!

I'm amazed by the sheer determination and devotion of Ukrainians armforces, it's a second to none. We all have seen Russia been defeated, after they were planning to take over Ukraine during their first week. At that first fews weeks, we must admit that Ukrainians armforces didn't have enough killer weapons such as stingers, javelins, NLAW and drones . All they had on their side were the terrain and severe cold weather that helped as Russians soldiers were running out their supply  and  they were complaining of having frostbite and hunger.  However, today Ukrainians armforces are better aquipped, but they still have less numbers of ground troops to cover the 300 miles in the Eastern region as Russians have had the secure supply routes from Russia and Crimea and plus they have reinforced their troops that outnumbered Ukrainians by 4 to 1. Like Vietnam war, North Vietnamese soldiers  were saved and protected by rainforest and mountains. Terrain does play a very critical factor in warfare and strategy. Ukrainiane must ask the west to supply air to air defence systems to make sure Russia can't use airspace as it wishes. This would ensure Ukrainians armforces movement. 

Looking in perspective views,  I think Ukraine definitely can win this war in both battlefield and in war without having to throw the energy all-out in confrontation with the Russians soldiers. I prefer to see Ukrainians fighting Russians soldiers in a guerrillas warfare, hit and run. This would ensure less casualties for Ukrainians,as Russia has air superior, and to inflict continuous casualties for Russia in a long time scale. 

Russia is facing not just heavy lost today, but in the next few years Russia is facing heavier lost by the world community economics boycott, and if Ukraine can hang on to the next few years I'm sure victory definitely will come for Ukraine.


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