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Monday, April 25, 2022

The War in Ukraine. Digest 24.04.22 Day 60

The War in Ukraine. Digest 24.04.22 Day 60

Exactly two months ago, Russia started a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. April 24 was the 60th day of the bloody war. On this day the Orthodox Christians of Ukraine, as well as  the Christians in the aggressor country of Russia, celebrated one of the greatest religious holidays - Easter. But this did not stop the Russian occupiers.

In the morning of April 24, the Russian military shelled the village of Ocheretne, Donetsk region. The shells hit a house on Myr Street - the name means Peace.

Also, the Russian military bombed the Avdiivka Coke Plant again, one of the largest in Ukraine. Several shops were damaged. 

And in Luhansk region the enemy hit a petroleum processing plant and destroyed 7 buildings. 

The city of Chuhuiv, Kharkiv region, also came under ruscist fire. Local police informed that one man was killed and three people were injured, including a child. 

In Dnipropetrovsk region, the occupiers bombed the railway infrastructure and destroyed 8 buildings. A 48-year-old man died. 

In the Zaporizhia region the Russian military attacked the church on the holiday, local authorities said. 

The Russian military fired 9 missiles at the city of Kremenchuk, Poltava region. The enemy attacked the power plant and oil processing plant. At least one person was killed, 7 injured. 

 And in the Kherson region, the occupiers fired on settlements from tanks marked with Ukrainian flags, which they hung in advance. This was reported in the operational command "South".  

In Odessa rescuers have dismantled the rubbles after a missile hit the residential building on April 23. 8 people died, including a three-month-old girl Kira, her mother and grandmother. 10 victims are now in the hospital - mostly with shrapnel wounds. 

Coincidence saved one of the injured  from possible death. At the time of the shelling, the woman was dying her hair at the hairdresser’s and was wearing a special foil hat. It saved her. 

The woman's arm and shoulder were wounded as a result of the air strike. 

The occupiers not only purposefully destroy Ukrainian agricultural machinery, but also steal Ukrainian grain and export it to the illegally occupied Crimea. This was reported by Lyudmila Denisova, Commissioner for Human Rights of  the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. 

The ruscists also warn Ukrainians that they will be allowed to sow grain and sunflowers if 70 percent of the harvest is given to Russia free of charge. Such actions of the occupiers repeat the crimes of the Bolshevik regime that led to the Holodomor - the Great famine of the 1930s.

The atrocities of the occupiers have no limits. The ruscists kidnapped Serhii Chudynovych, a priest of one of the churches in Kherson, and took him to their torture chamber directly from the church. 

The man was accused of involvement in the territorial defense, he was interrogated, threatened with violence against his family and tortured. 

Under pressure and fear of death, the priest signed an agreement to cooperate with the occupiers. And when he managed to escape to the territory controlled by Ukraine, he turned to the police and told about the atrocities on social media.

The Russians continue to deport the civilians of occupied Mariupol to the most depressed and distant areas of Russia. 

308 Mariupol residents, 90 of which are children, were deported 10,000 kilometers from Mariupol to Vladivostok.

People are placed in schools and dormitories, and children are forced to learn Russian. Also, remote places of deportation of Ukrainians have become the island of Sakhalin and the territory behind the Arctic Circle, according to the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Lyudmila Denisova. 

Most of the deportees were forced to give away their documents and go through the horrors of filtration camps.

On Easter, the occupiers did not support Ukraine's ceasefire initiative and did not allow the evacuation of people from Mariupol again. On the contrary, they continued to storm the Azovstal plant.

There are now more than a hundred thousand civilians in the city. Many wounded military men are in need of immediate medical aid. There are those who have been underground for almost two months in the shelter of the Azovstal plant. Most of them are women and children. 

City officials said that the war in Mariupol took away the lives of two other young Ukrainians, Ochkur Liza and Sonia Omelchenkova. The girls were local celebrities  and played in the theater.

 As of April 24, 213 children have been killed in Ukraine.

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