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Friday, April 22, 2022

Thousands Still Stuck Inside Steel Plant in Mariupol as Putin Claims Victory Over the City

Thousands Still Stuck Inside Steel Plant in Mariupol as Putin Claims Victory Over the City

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has disputed Russia's claims that it seized control of the strategically vital Ukrainian port city of Mariupol, saying it was not completely lost. 

"The situation is difficult, the situation is bad," Zelenskyy told journalists in Kyiv, adding that there were still several ways to "liberate" the city.

If indeed you have captured Mariupol as you claim Mr. President (Putin), why don’t you open humanitarian corridor for the civilians to leave? Pls Mr. President, think about the civilians and don’t let them starve!

Pointless Alright! Because Russia has been pounding Mariupol with all its weaponry, (except nukes) without achieving the goal of getting the capitulation of the Ukrainian defenders! Putin himself stated that it's unnecessary to loss their generals and soldiers if they continue to storm the steel factory. For once Putin has come to his senses because if he'll going to order the storming of the steel plant it would be catastrophic for the Russian Soldiers because the Ukrainians are well-entrenched and has been ready for their attackers. It will be a barn burner of a fight!

Your title basically answers the question. The thousands are POW’s if they choose it who ARE STUCK in the tomb they created for themselves in there. The only thing coming out there is either dead bodies or POW’s.

Scared to think what may happen to those people hiding..a slow death from hunger and thirst is just horrible and not right..the way he said " just block off the industrial area so that not a single fly may get out or in" makes me feel really sorry for those people..very little hope for safe corridors there

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