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Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Russia Declares New Phase Of War

Russia Declares New Phase Of War

The U.S. prepares to send more lethal weapons to Ukraine as Russia launches a battle to control the nation’s east. 

“The phase where we lose our flag ship has been successfully completed & now we move on to the phase where our boys are wiped out in the East   Soon we will declare victory and begin offering bride tours to tourists while the Ukrainians begin the task of raising their children and rebuilding their cities.’

Heartbreaking to see those last freedmom fighters of Ukraine in Mariupol pleading for a safe corridor for the civilians and wounded soldiers to evacuate.

Ah yes, it goes from losing to rebranded-losing. Clever. And very strong. Everyone knows that only winners change the definition of victory after they start losing badly.

To die fighting for the freedom of your country is a meaningful death, Ukrainians defender Heroes keep it up. I though I can only see Heroes through movies and books but the next generation heroes is in Ukraine nowadays, defending their homeland till their last breath.

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