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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Done deal: Elon Musk Buys Twitter

Done deal: Elon Musk Buys Twitter

Stockholders will get $54.20 a share in the deal reportedly valued at $44 billion.

They HAD to sell.  Otherwise they would have gotten sued, and IF sued, they would have lost in court.  The board was acting criminally by choosing not to serve the best interests of the shareholders...and this is criminal.  So they HAD to sell.  Even now, I am sure they did not want to sell.

The fact that Twitter is exploding over the thought that conservatives, libertarians, independents, basically anyone non liberal Democrat, now has a voice on Twitter, tells you all you need to know.

I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would think that this deal is a bad move-Elon is by his very nature a well meaning individual,  in fact he's probably one of the worlds greatest humans ever. Not that many rich people aim as high as he has, he is an altruist, he is in this for the benefit of man, not just a man.

The fact that people are losing their minds over this just shows how scared some people are of free speech. And that is usually those who loses every discussion that involves arguments and facts.

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