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Friday, April 29, 2022

The City where Thousands of Russians Have Fled Since the Invasion of Ukraine | Foreign Correspondent

The City where Thousands of Russians Have Fled Since the Invasion of Ukraine | Foreign Correspondent

Since President Putin invaded Ukraine in February, some 200,000 Russians have fled their country, scattering across western and eastern Europe.

Cheers for all these BRAVE PEOPLE. For the old lady (my age) who paints posters, for the artists and media people who continue their work. Especially for the woman who fled with her children and dogs and cats. I worry for the cat shown in the apartment of the lady still creating YouTube videos in Moscow. I worry for all the helpless things that are dying or suffering and I hate the people who don’t care.

This was an extremely interesting and well-done video.    The biggest concern that I would have if I had moved to Georgia to escape persecution is that Georgia is probably on the short-list of nations soon to be occupied by Russia, along with Moldova and possibly Kazakhstan.    If that happens, they will either need to move again or end up being arrested.

That is one heck of a documentary, it was spellbinding and inspiring to see such contrasting perspectives of humanity in a time of such an unnecessary and brutal war. There is hope for the Russian and Ukrainian people as long as these wonderful Russian exiles, who resist everything Putin, still exist.

Those people berating a lady with a good heart and soul who survived, those people don't understand of feel what that lady went through

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